
Type Alias Bitmap

pub type Bitmap = Handle<SkBitmap>;
Expand description

Bitmap describes a two-dimensional raster pixel array. Bitmap is built on ImageInfo, containing integer width and height, ColorType and AlphaType describing the pixel format, and ColorSpace describing the range of colors. Bitmap points to PixelRef, which describes the physical array of pixels. ImageInfo bounds may be located anywhere fully inside PixelRef bounds.

Bitmap can be drawn using crate::Canvas. Bitmap can be a drawing destination for crate::Canvas draw member functions. Bitmap flexibility as a pixel container limits some optimizations available to the target platform.

If pixel array is primarily read-only, use Image for better performance.

If pixel array is primarily written to, use crate::Surface for better performance.

Declaring Bitmap const prevents altering ImageInfo: the Bitmap height, width, and so on cannot change. It does not affect PixelRef: a caller may write its pixels. Declaring Bitmap const affects Bitmap configuration, not its contents.

Bitmap is not thread safe. Each thread must have its own copy of Bitmap fields, although threads may share the underlying pixel array.

Aliased Type§

struct Bitmap(/* private fields */);



impl Bitmap


pub fn new() -> Self

Creates an empty Bitmap without pixels, with ColorType::Unknown, AlphaType::Unknown, and with a width and height of zero. PixelRef origin is set to (0, 0).

Use Self::set_info() to associate ColorType, AlphaType, width, and height after Bitmap has been created.


pub fn swap(&mut self, other: &mut Self)

Swaps the fields of the two bitmaps.


pub fn pixmap(&self) -> &Pixmap<'_>

Returns a constant reference to the Pixmap holding the Bitmap pixel address, row bytes, and ImageInfo.


pub fn info(&self) -> &ImageInfo

Returns width, height, AlphaType, ColorType, and ColorSpace.


pub fn width(&self) -> i32

Returns pixel count in each row. Should be equal or less than row_bytes() / info().bytes_per_pixel().

May be less than pixel_ref().width(). Will not exceed pixel_ref().width() less pixel_ref_origin().x.


pub fn height(&self) -> i32

Returns pixel row count.

Maybe be less than pixel_ref().height(). Will not exceed pixel_ref().height() less pixel_ref_origin().y.


pub fn color_type(&self) -> ColorType


pub fn alpha_type(&self) -> AlphaType


pub fn color_space(&self) -> Option<ColorSpace>

Returns ColorSpace, the range of colors, associated with ImageInfo. The returned ColorSpace is immutable.


pub fn bytes_per_pixel(&self) -> usize

Returns number of bytes per pixel required by ColorType.

Returns zero if color_type() is ColorType::Unknown.


pub fn row_bytes_as_pixels(&self) -> usize

Returns number of pixels that fit on row. Should be greater than or equal to width().


pub fn shift_per_pixel(&self) -> usize

Returns bit shift converting row bytes to row pixels.

Returns zero for ColorType::Unknown.


pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool

Returns true if either width() or height() are zero.

Does not check if PixelRef is None; call draws_nothing() to check width(), height(), and PixelRef.


pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool

Returns true if PixelRef is None.

Does not check if width() or height() are zero; call draws_nothing() to check width(), height(), and PixelRef.


pub fn draws_nothing(&self) -> bool

Returns true if width() or height() are zero, or if PixelRef is None.

If true, Bitmap has no effect when drawn or drawn into.


pub fn row_bytes(&self) -> usize

Returns row bytes, the interval from one pixel row to the next. Row bytes is at least as large as: width() * info().bytes_per_pixel().

Returns zero if color_type() is ColorType::Unknown, or if row bytes supplied to set_info() is not large enough to hold a row of pixels.


pub fn set_alpha_type(&mut self, alpha_type: AlphaType) -> bool

Sets AlphaType, if alpha_type is compatible with ColorType. Returns true unless alpha_type is AlphaType::Unknown and current AlphaType is not AlphaType::Unknown.

Returns true if ColorType is ColorType::Unknown. alpha_type is ignored, and AlphaType remains AlphaType::Unknown.

Returns true if ColorType is ColorType::RGB565 or ColorType::Gray8. alpha_type is ignored, and AlphaType remains AlphaType::Opaque.

If ColorType is ColorType::ARGB4444, ColorType::RGBA8888, ColorType::BGRA8888, or ColorType::RGBAF16: returns true unless alpha_type is AlphaType::Unknown and AlphaType is not AlphaType::Unknown. If AlphaType is AlphaType::Unknown, alpha_type is ignored.

If ColorType is ColorType::Alpha8, returns true unless alpha_type is AlphaType::Unknown and AlphaType is not AlphaType::Unknown. If AlphaType is kUnknown_SkAlphaType, alpha_type is ignored. If alpha_type is AlphaType::Unpremul, it is treated as AlphaType::Premul.

This changes AlphaType in PixelRef; all bitmaps sharing PixelRef are affected.


pub fn set_color_space(&mut self, color_space: impl Into<Option<ColorSpace>>)

Sets the ColorSpace associated with this Bitmap.

The raw pixel data is not altered by this call; no conversion is performed.

This changes ColorSpace in PixelRef; all bitmaps sharing PixelRef are affected.


pub fn pixels(&mut self) -> *mut c_void

Returns pixel address, the base address corresponding to the pixel origin.


pub fn compute_byte_size(&self) -> usize

Returns minimum memory required for pixel storage.
Does not include unused memory on last row when row_bytes_as_pixels() exceeds width().
Returns usize::MAX if result does not fit in usize.
Returns zero if height() or width() is 0.
Returns height() times row_bytes() if color_type() is ColorType::Unknown.


pub fn is_immutable(&self) -> bool

Returns true if pixels can not change.

Most immutable Bitmap checks trigger an assert only on debug builds.


pub fn set_immutable(&mut self)

Sets internal flag to mark Bitmap as immutable. Once set, pixels can not change. Any other bitmap sharing the same PixelRef are also marked as immutable.

Once PixelRef is marked immutable, the setting cannot be cleared.

Writing to immutable Bitmap pixels triggers an assert on debug builds.


pub fn is_opaque(&self) -> bool

Returns true if AlphaType is set to hint that all pixels are opaque; their alpha value is implicitly or explicitly 1.0. If true, and all pixels are not opaque, Skia may draw incorrectly.

Does not check if ColorType allows alpha, or if any pixel value has transparency.


pub fn reset(&mut self)

Resets to its initial state; all fields are set to zero, as if Bitmap had been initialized by Bitmap::new().

Sets width, height, row bytes to zero; pixel address to None; ColorType to ColorType::Unknown; and AlphaType to AlphaType::Unknown.

If PixelRef is allocated, its reference count is decreased by one, releasing its memory if Bitmap is the sole owner.


pub fn compute_is_opaque(bm: &Self) -> bool

Returns true if all pixels are opaque. ColorType determines how pixels are encoded, and whether pixel describes alpha. Returns true for ColorType without alpha in each pixel; for other ColorType, returns true if all pixels have alpha values equivalent to 1.0 or greater.

Returns false for ColorType::Unknown.


pub fn bounds(&self) -> IRect

Returns IRect { 0, 0, width(), height() }.


pub fn dimensions(&self) -> ISize

Returns ISize { width(), height() }.


pub fn get_subset(&self) -> IRect

Returns the bounds of this bitmap, offset by its PixelRef origin.


pub fn set_info( &mut self, image_info: &ImageInfo, row_bytes: impl Into<Option<usize>>, ) -> bool

Sets width, height, AlphaType, ColorType, ColorSpace, and optional row_bytes. Frees pixels, and returns true if successful.

row_bytes must equal or exceed image_info.min_row_bytes(). If image_info.color_space() is ColorType::Unknown, row_bytes is ignored and treated as zero; for all other ColorSpace values, row_bytes of zero is treated as image_info.min_row_bytes().

Calls reset() and returns false if:

  • rowBytes exceeds 31 bits
  • image_info.width() is negative
  • image_info.height() is negative
  • row_bytes is positive and less than image_info.width() times image_info.bytes_per_pixel()

pub fn try_alloc_pixels_flags(&mut self, image_info: &ImageInfo) -> bool

Sets ImageInfo to info following the rules in set_info() and allocates pixel memory. Memory is zeroed.

Returns false and calls reset() if ImageInfo could not be set, or memory could not be allocated, or memory could not optionally be zeroed.

On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform implementation of calloc().


pub fn alloc_pixels_flags(&mut self, image_info: &ImageInfo)

Sets ImageInfo to info following the rules in set_info() and allocates pixel memory. Memory is zeroed.

Returns false and calls reset() if ImageInfo could not be set, or memory could not be allocated, or memory could not optionally be zeroed.

On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform implementation of calloc().


pub fn try_alloc_pixels_info( &mut self, image_info: &ImageInfo, row_bytes: impl Into<Option<usize>>, ) -> bool

Sets ImageInfo to info following the rules in set_info() and allocates pixel memory. row_bytes must equal or exceed info.width() times info.bytes_per_pixel(), or equal None. Pass in None for row_bytes to compute the minimum valid value.

Returns false and calls reset() if ImageInfo could not be set, or memory could not be allocated.

On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform implementation of malloc().


pub fn alloc_pixels_info( &mut self, image_info: &ImageInfo, row_bytes: impl Into<Option<usize>>, )

Sets ImageInfo to info following the rules in set_info() and allocates pixel memory. row_bytes must equal or exceed info.width() times info.bytes_per_pixel(), or equal None. Pass in None for row_bytes to compute the minimum valid value.

Aborts execution if SkImageInfo could not be set, or memory could be allocated.

On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform implementation of malloc().


pub fn try_alloc_n32_pixels( &mut self, (width, height): (i32, i32), is_opaque: impl Into<Option<bool>>, ) -> bool

Sets ImageInfo to width, height, and native color type; and allocates pixel memory. If is_opaque is true, sets ImageInfo to AlphaType::Opaque; otherwise, sets to AlphaType::Premul.

Calls reset() and returns false if width exceeds 29 bits or is negative, or height is negative.

Returns false if allocation fails.

Use to create Bitmap that matches crate::PMColor, the native pixel arrangement on the platform. Bitmap drawn to output device skips converting its pixel format.


pub fn alloc_n32_pixels( &mut self, (width, height): (i32, i32), is_opaque: impl Into<Option<bool>>, )

Sets ImageInfo to width, height, and native color type; and allocates pixel memory. If is_opaque is true, sets ImageInfo to AlphaType::Opaque; otherwise, sets to AlphaType::Premul.

Aborts if width exceeds 29 bits or is negative, or height is negative, or allocation fails.

Use to create Bitmap that matches crate::PMColor, the native pixel arrangement on the platform. Bitmap drawn to output device skips converting its pixel format.


pub unsafe fn install_pixels( &mut self, info: &ImageInfo, pixels: *mut c_void, row_bytes: usize, ) -> bool

Sets ImageInfo to info following the rules in set_info(), and creates PixelRef containing pixels and row_bytes.

If ImageInfo could not be set, or row_bytes is less than info.min_row_bytes(): calls reset(), and returns false`.

Otherwise, if pixels equals ptr::null_mut(): sets ImageInfo, returns true.

Caller must ensure that pixels are valid for the lifetime of Bitmap and PixelRef.


pub fn try_alloc_pixels(&mut self) -> bool

Allocates pixel memory with HeapAllocator, and replaces existing PixelRef. The allocation size is determined by ImageInfo width, height, and ColorType.

Returns false if info().color_type() is ColorType::Unknown, or allocation fails.


pub fn alloc_pixels(&mut self)

Allocates pixel memory with HeapAllocator, and replaces existing PixelRef. The allocation size is determined by ImageInfo width, height, and ColorType.

Aborts if info().color_type() is ColorType::Unknown, or allocation fails.


pub fn pixel_ref(&self) -> Option<PixelRef>

Returns PixelRef, which contains: pixel base address; its dimensions; and row_bytes(), the interval from one row to the next. Does not change PixelRef reference count. PixelRef may be shared by multiple bitmaps.

If PixelRef has not been set, returns None.


pub fn pixel_ref_origin(&self) -> IPoint

Returns origin of pixels within PixelRef. Bitmap bounds is always contained by PixelRef bounds, which may be the same size or larger. Multiple Bitmap can share the same PixelRef, where each Bitmap has different bounds.

The returned origin added to Bitmap dimensions equals or is smaller than the PixelRef dimensions.

Returns (0, 0) if PixelRef is None.


pub fn set_pixel_ref( &mut self, pixel_ref: impl Into<Option<PixelRef>>, offset: impl Into<IPoint>, )

Replaces pixel_ref and origin in Bitmap. offset specifies the offset within the PixelRef pixels for the top-left corner of the bitmap.

Asserts in debug builds if offset is out of range. Pins offset to legal range in release builds.

The caller is responsible for ensuring that the pixels match the ColorType and AlphaType in ImageInfo.


pub fn is_ready_to_draw(&self) -> bool

Returns true if Bitmap can be drawn.


pub fn generation_id(&self) -> u32

Returns a unique value corresponding to the pixels in PixelRef.
Returns a different value after notify_pixels_changed() has been called.
Returns zero if PixelRef is None.

Determines if pixels have changed since last examined.


pub fn notify_pixels_changed(&self)

Marks that pixels in PixelRef have changed. Subsequent calls to generation_id() return a different value.


pub fn erase_color(&self, c: impl Into<Color>)

Replaces pixel values with c, interpreted as being in the sRGB ColorSpace. All pixels contained by [bounds(&self)] are affected. If the [color_type(&self)] is ColorType::Gray8 or ColorType::RGB565, then alpha is ignored; RGB is treated as opaque. If [color_type(&self)] is ColorType::Alpha8, then RGB is ignored.

Input color is ultimately converted to an Color4f, so Self::erase_color_4f will have higher color resolution.


pub fn erase_color_4f(&self, c: impl AsRef<Color4f>)

Replaces pixel values with c, interpreted as being in the sRGB ColorSpace. All pixels contained by [bounds(&self)] are affected. If the [color_type(&self)] is ColorType::Gray8 or ColorType::RGB565, then alpha is ignored; RGB is treated as opaque. If [color_type(&self)] is ColorType::Alpha8, then RGB is ignored.


pub fn erase_argb(&self, a: u8, r: u8, g: u8, b: u8)

Replaces pixel values with unpremultiplied color built from a, r, g, and b, interpreted as being in the sRGB ColorSpace. All pixels contained by [bounds(&self)] are affected. If the [color_type(&self)] is ColorType::Gray8 or ColorType::RGB565, then a is ignored; r, g, and b are treated as opaque. If [color_type(&self)] is ColorType::Alpha8, then r, g, and b are ignored.


pub fn erase(&self, c: impl Into<Color>, area: impl AsRef<IRect>)

Replaces pixel values inside area with c. interpreted as being in the sRGB ColorSpace. If area does not intersect bounds(), call has no effect.

If the color_type() is ColorType::Gray8 ColorType::RGB565, then alpha is ignored; RGB is treated as opaque. If color_type() is ColorType::Alpha8, then RGB is ignored.

Input color is ultimately converted to an Color4f, so Self::erase_4f will have higher color resolution.


pub fn erase_4f(&self, c: impl AsRef<Color4f>, area: impl AsRef<IRect>)

Replaces pixel values inside area with c. interpreted as being in the sRGB ColorSpace. If area does not intersect bounds(), call has no effect.

If the color_type() is ColorType::Gray8 ColorType::RGB565, then alpha is ignored; RGB is treated as opaque. If color_type() is ColorType::Alpha8, then RGB is ignored.


pub fn get_color(&self, p: impl Into<IPoint>) -> Color

Returns pixel at (x, y) as unpremultiplied color.
Returns black with alpha if ColorType is ColorType::Alpha8

Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert().

Fails if ColorType is ColorType::Unknown or pixel address is nullptr.

ColorSpace in ImageInfo is ignored. Some color precision may be lost in the conversion to unpremultiplied color; original pixel data may have additional precision.


pub fn get_color_4f(&self, p: impl Into<IPoint>) -> Color4f

Returns pixel at (x, y) as unpremultiplied color. Returns black with alpha if ColorType is ColorType::Alpha8

Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert().

Fails if ColorType is ColorType::Unknown or pixel address is None.

ColorSpace in ImageInfo is ignored. Some color precision may be lost in the conversion to unpremultiplied color.


pub fn get_alpha_f(&self, p: impl Into<IPoint>) -> f32

Look up the pixel at (x,y) and return its alpha component, normalized to [0..1]. This is roughly equivalent to get_color().a(), but can be more efficient (and more precise if the pixels store more than 8 bits per component).


pub fn get_addr(&self, p: impl Into<IPoint>) -> *const c_void

Returns pixel address at (x, y).

Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y, or ColorType::Unknown, trigger an assert(). Returns nullptr if ColorType is ColorType::Unknown, or PixelRef is nullptr.

Performs a lookup of pixel size; for better performance, call one of: get_addr8(), get_addr16(), or get_addr32().


pub fn extract_subset(&self, dst: &mut Self, subset: impl AsRef<IRect>) -> bool

Shares PixelRef with dst. Pixels are not copied; Bitmap and dst point to the same pixels; dst Self::bounds() are set to the intersection of subset and the original Self::bounds().

Subset may be larger than Self::bounds(). Any area outside of Self::bounds() is ignored.

Any contents of dst are discarded.

Return false if:



pub unsafe fn read_pixels( &self, dst_info: &ImageInfo, dst_pixels: *mut c_void, dst_row_bytes: usize, src_x: i32, src_y: i32, ) -> bool

Copies a crate::Rect of pixels from Bitmap to dst_pixels. Copy starts at (src_x, src_y), and does not exceed Bitmap (width(), height()).

dst_info specifies width, height, ColorType, AlphaType, and ColorSpace of destination.
dst_row_bytes specifics the gap from one destination row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if:

  • dst_info has no address
  • dst_row_bytes is less than dst_info.min_row_bytes()
  • PixelRef is nullptr

Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Self::color_type() is ColorType::Gray8, or ColorType::Alpha8; dst_info.color_type() must match. If Self::color_type() is ColorType::Gray8, dst_info.color_space() must match. If Self::alpha_type() is AlphaType::Opaque, dst_info.alpha_type() must match. If Self::color_space() is nullptr, dst_info.color_space() must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is not possible.

src_x and src_y may be negative to copy only top or left of source. Returns false if Self::width() or Self::height() is zero or negative. Returns false if abs(src_x) >= Self::width(), or if abs(src_y) >= Self::height().


pub fn extract_alpha( &self, dst: &mut Self, paint: Option<&Paint>, ) -> Option<IPoint>

Sets dst to alpha described by pixels. Returns false if dst cannot be written to or dst pixels cannot be allocated.

If paint is not None and contains crate::MaskFilter, crate::MaskFilter generates mask alpha from Bitmap. Uses HeapAllocator to reserve memory for dst PixelRef. Returns offset to top-left position for dst for alignment with Bitmap; (0, 0) unless crate::MaskFilter generates mask.


pub fn peek_pixels(&self) -> Option<Pixmap<'_>>

Copies Bitmap pixel address, row bytes, and ImageInfo to pixmap, if address is available, and returns [Some(Pixmap)]. If pixel address is not available, return None and leave pixmap unchanged.



pub fn to_shader<'a>( &self, tile_modes: impl Into<Option<(TileMode, TileMode)>>, sampling: impl Into<SamplingOptions>, local_matrix: impl Into<Option<&'a Matrix>>, ) -> Option<Shader>

Make a shader with the specified tiling, matrix and sampling.
Defaults to clamp in both X and Y.


pub fn as_image(&self) -> Image

Returns a new image from the bitmap. If the bitmap is marked immutable, this will share the pixel buffer. If not, it will make a copy of the pixels for the image.


impl Bitmap


pub fn encode( &self, format: EncodedImageFormat, quality: impl Into<Option<u32>>, ) -> Option<Vec<u8>>

Trait Implementations§


impl Debug for Bitmap


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for Bitmap


fn default() -> Self